Before You Interact
Generally I fall under the alignment of Leftwing Social Democrat but above all, I believe in freedom of speech. As long as we're able to find a common ground and discuss our differences in a civilized and respectful manner, I'll befriend anyone who isn't a complete dick when it comes to their views. I believe that a truly progressive society is one that can see both sides of an argument and respectfully agree to disagree. I will never force my ideologies on someone against their will - by all means I will express my views, yes, but the end of the day it is not my place to decide what they choose to believe and any decisions to change their opinion must be their own.

However... I will NEVER support:

- ableism
- AI generated art and data scraping
- animal abuse
- antivax conspiracy theories
- body shaming and fatphobia
- cancel culture, doxxing and targeted harassment
- capitalism, classism and corporatism
- censorship of media
- child abuse
- drug prohibition
- fandom policing and anti-shipping
- gatekeeping of alterhuman identity
- gatekeeping of DID/OSDD/plurality
- harm towards minorities
- kinkshaming
- pedophilia
- police brutality and authoritative assault
- politically motivated violence
- racism and racially motivated violence
- rape culture, incels and related
- religious abuse and related
- TERF, SWERF, radfem and related
- white supremacy, nazism and antisemitism
- zoophilia

On Fandom Shipping and Pro/Anti Discourse
I believe in the following stances:

DLDR - Don't Like, Don't Read
SALS - Ship And Let Ship
YKINMKATO - Your Kink Is Not My Kink, And That's Okay
DDDNE - Dead Dove, Do Not Eat
Fiction =/= Reality, so keep it that way

Unless I believe someone is causing legitimate real-world harm, then I really couldn't care less what media people engage with. I do not believe that a fictional character doing something within an entirely fictional setting is grounds for harassment, and sending someone death threats over a Fictional Blorbo just makes you an absolute asshole who needs to leave people be and find something better to do with your time.

That being said... if I find that you're endorsing and/or actively practicing real-world animal or child abuse, or regularly insisting that an underage minor and/or dog can consent to doing the naughty (hint: they can't), then I will find you and mock you viciously, you sad pathetic filth. I'm also a strong believer in consent and respecting boundaries - don't force anything on anyone, don't try to coerce anyone, and if they aren't into it or lack the ability to consent, then NO MEANS NO.